~ It is never easy to say goodbye to such great adventures.
This trip began with a quick note to the writer of a newspaper article that I read on surfing in Alaska. In the article, there was mention of an Alaskan surfer named Pete. I wrote the paper with my interest in the article and gave them my contact info and asked if they would send it along to Pete.
20 minutes later, my phone rang.
Pete was on the other end of the line. We spoke of surfing the Bore Tides and other surf spots. Pete invited me up and left me with an inspiring quote. "I'm gonna put you on the longest ride of your life."
How could I say no?
We met a day after Pete was back from a Snowboarding trip in Argentina. From that day forward, we had some great adventures in the water and on the land.
I am really grateful for all that he did to help me along on this expedition. On may way back down south, I stopped at Pete's to say Aloha.
Until we meet again, Pete. Aloha